Services Espiritismo
Espiritismo (cruzado)
Espiritismo is often practiced side-by-side with Santeria, and can function as a starting point to explore Santeria. But it’s also a stand-alone practice that can benefit anyone and does not involve initiation.
The boveda is the starting point for growth and development in espiritismo and our style of mediumship, cleansing, healing and communicating with ancestors and spirit guides. Learning the steps involved in setting up and keeping a boveda and how to adopt it as a daily practice to develop spiritually is the starting point for working with espiritismo.
Misa espiritual
The misa espiritual aims to help us (re)align ourselves with our spiritual destiny, to commune with the spirit world and to be cleansed of any negative energies we carry with us. Coming to misas on a regular basis will help you develop your spiritual sensitivity and mediumship powers so you can also help other people.
Ancestor Work
Spiritual practice in espiritismo and Santeria starts with building a good relationship with our ancestors. Learning to communicate and maintain a good relationship with our ancestors is often life-changing and may kickstart a healing process which can benefit the entire family tree and its ancestral lineages.
Start your healing journey in espiritismo and ancestor work
- Individual mentoring boveda, espiritismo and misa espiritual
- Individual mentoring ancestor work
For groups of two or more:
- Workshop espiritismo (includes boveda work, spiritual guides and ancestor work)
- Workshop ancestor work (specifically working with your ancestors)
- Misa espiritual. Book a misa espiritual for yourself, your family or your friends