Misa espiritual

As soon as possible we will start giving spiritual misa espirituals in Amsterdam again. A misa espiritual is a beautiful and joyful communal ceremony based on Caribbean-style spiritism. We sing and pray, use herbal and floral baths to cleanse ourselves, meditate to connect with ‘spirit’ and pass messages, which aid and uplift, from our spiritual guides to those present. The purpose of a misa espiritual is to (re)align ourselves with our spiritual destiny, to advance spiritually, to commune with each other and to be cleansed of any negative energies we may have picked up or carry with us. Coming to misas on a regular basis will help you develop your spiritual sensitivity and mediumship powers so you can also help other people.

'Beyond' by Sue Armstrong


Central to the misa espiritual is the practice of espiritismo and the use of la mesa blanca, a table draped by a white cloth with white flowers and water, otherwise known as a boveda, where we lovingly commune with our ancestors and spirit guides. The boveda is the starting point for growth in espiritismo and our style of mediumship,  cleansing, healing, ancestor communication and communication with spirit guides.

Our emphasis is on women-only misas , but we may also hold mixed-person misas. Please contact us if you are interested and/or to find out the details of the next event. Most misas are not announced in the agenda but by personal invitation only.
